‘Polityka’ is talking to TES about the challenges faced nowadays by top Polish managers in multi-national, listed, and private companies, non-governmental/ non-profit organizations and public institutions. This challenge is a Polish style of Control – a traditional source of success and growth.
CEOs are frustrated. The management methods by which they have achieved success are starting to fail today. In addition, they are not able to get along with next generation of managers who will replace them one day.
Polish heads of foreign corporations as well as domestic state-controlled companies and private enterprises are in a poor state of mind. They had more hope and self-confidence even after the outbreak of the global financial crisis. Such conclusions can be drawn from the Business – People™ 2016/17 Research of TES, which earlier edition was delivered in 2011/12.
See the full article: https://www.polityka.pl/tygodnikpolityka/rynek/1712438,1,z-jakimi-problemami-musza-sobie-radzic-polscy-biznesmeni.read